What is the impact of mind mapping software on business?
That’s the key question that will be answered by my biennial Mind Mapping Software Trends survey, which is now underway. Thanks to accelerating changes in the nature of work, your participation is more important than ever.
Driven by the rise of Industry 4.0, disruptive innovation, accelerating technology developments and other powerful forces, the needs of leaders and knowledge workers are evolving faster than ever. To meet these needs, they need powerful, flexible, visual tools that can help them to think, plan and create more effectively.
My goal with this survey is to quantify this revolution and to help business leaders to understand why mind mapping software is the ideal tool to meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s workers.
It will only take you 5 minutes to complete.
What’s in it for you?
The mind map below summarizes how the Mind Mapping Software Trends Survey benefits you, both directly and indirectly.
How do you compare? You can benchmark your use of it against the best practices of your peers. You can identify other ways in which you
can use it to be more productive, effective and creative, and get more VALUE out of a tool you’re already using.
Help define its impact: You can help to quantify what mind mapping software makes possible – essential in today’s environment of
rapid, discontinuous change. You can help the world to better understand why it represents “the savvy executive’s secret weapon!”
You don’t have to be a “Lone Ranger”: You can help to build a strong case for your team to use it – and your boss to support it. They say
they want proof of its value? This survey provides it!
Tell the developers what you need: Share your opinions to help shape the future of mind mapping software. Send a clear signal to them
about what’s most important to you. All of the developers pay close attention to the results of this survey.
Tell ME what you need help with. I read all of your comments, and they shape what I write about and the resources I provide to you. How
can I help you? Please let me know!
Support your community of mind mappers: By participating in this important research project, you’re helping to support and grow the
elite global community of visual thinkers, planners, problem solvers and creators. You’re a part of it. Support your tribe!
It’s the right thing to do. I invest a lot of time and energy creating and sharing an abundance of resources, learning and insights with you
throughout the year. Please return the favor by taking a few moments to fill out this survey!
You could win a lifetime Mind Mapping Insider membership
At the conclusion of this survey, I will randomly select 10 participants, who will receive lifetime Mind Mapping Insider memberships (value: $120 per year). This will provide the winners with unlimited access to the library of over 100 advanced mind mapping resources I have created, including all of the e-learning lessons I have created.
Just added: When you complete the survey, you also qualify for an opportunity to win one of 5 copies of my newest e-course: Mind Mapping
Software for Strategic Planning (value: $99).
I look forward to your insights – thanks for your time!