The new Atomic Content Catalyst provides over 200 triggers to supercharge your content ideas
As a creator, your success is based to a large extent on the quality of your ideas. They determine if your content gets attention – or crickets…
To help you generate the best possible ideas to propel your writing and creation, I have just launched the Atomic Content Catalyst tool. It consists of over 200 idea triggers, arranged in a colorful, interactive mind map.
You can use it immediately to generate hundreds of new ideas and help you see a world of new possibilities in your existing ideas!
What is the Atomic Content Catalyst?
It’s a mind map that’s based on one of the most powerful and proven techniques for improving and expanding ideas – SCAMPER.
Its name is a mnemonic for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify/Magnify/Minify, Put to other uses, Eliminate and Reverse/Rearrange. It forces you to look at your ideas from seven unique perspectives. It utilizes diverse keywords as triggers to stimulate your brain to think in fresh, creative directions.

Why do you need a tool like this?
Isn’t your own creative brain enough? Not really. Why? Because we all have a bad habit: Left to our own devices, our brains tend to follow the same well-worn paths of thinking. That tends to deliver worn-out, low-value ideas that don’t help us reach our objectives.
We literally need something or someone to whack us upside the head and force us to follow new, more divergent paths of ideation.
The atomic particle model of idea generation
Imagine that your brain is an atomic particle accelerator. In real life, these ginormous devices use electromagnetic fields to propel charged particles to high velocity and collide them with atoms. These collisions produce many types of exotic particles, which scientists study to learn about the unique properties of the subatomic realm.
In our analogy, a random creative stimulus is like a charged particle. It collides with your existing idea or creative challenge. That sparks numerous new ideas and inspirations, as you can see from the diagram below.
The Atomic Content Catalyst acts like a particle accelerator fr your brain, enabling you to “crash” your idea into wildly divergent stimuli to see what fascinating new ideas may result.
It contains over 200 idea triggers that are tailored to your content creation needs. It will help you generate dozens of divergent, valuable ideas in a matter of minutes and at least a hundred within 30 minutes.
You can use it to enhance your own ideas or to adapt ideas that you’ve discovered in other industries or professions – a technique called idea arbitrage.
I hope this simple tool will help you to accelerate your content creation efforts.
Happy idea hunting!