Many mind mapping programs enable you to add a background image or pattern to your mind maps, to enhance their visual appeal and branding. But this functionality is among the hardest to use effectively. Here are some practical tips to add impact to your maps, through creative use of backgrounds.
How one small enhancement to your mind maps can make them much easier for others to interpret
One way to improve the quality of your mind maps and the effectiveness of how they communicate your intended meaning to others is to include a legend in them.
Leverage the awesome power of links in your mind maps
Today’s mind mapping software supports a remarkable number of link types, which can vastly increase the power of your visual diagrams. Here’s what’s possible, along with some tips on when and how to utilize them.
Why communicate visually?
What causes crises in many businesses? Poor communications. How can we improve communications? By sharing information visually.
Increase the visual impact of your mind maps with images and color
Images and color add visual interest to your mind maps. Here’s why they’re so powerful and some tips on how to utilize them effectively.
Add clarity and meaning to your mind maps with icons and symbols
Icons and symbols are small visual elements that you can attach to topics in your mind maps, which add meaning and context to them. Here’s an overview of how you can utilize them, and how to customize your mind mapping program with additional icons and symbols to meet your specific needs.