Late last year, CS Odessa launched ConceptDraw MINDMAP Pro 4, the latest iteration of its full-featured mind mapping software. I just completed a review of it, which you can read on the InnovationTools website. Read it to find out what makes the newest version of ConceptDraw MINDMAP more attractive to business users than ever before.
Mindjet seeks beta testers for Japanese version of MindManager
In its January e-newsletter, Mindjet has announced that it is planning to release a Japanese language version of MindManager Pro 6, and it is seeking bilingual beta testers for it. The beta testing program will start in March 2006. If you are fluent in Japanese and English and have any interest in helping Mindjet to […]
Mind mapping interview on the Personal Productivity Show
Cameron Reilly from the Personal Productivity Show conducted an extensive interview with me earlier today on the topic of mind mapping software. You can download the podcast and listen to it here.
A collection of mind mapping software reviews
During the last few years, I have written numerous reviews of mind mapping software. Here is a convenient summary of the last 10 programs reviewed on my InnovationTools website: MindManager Pro 6 BrainMine Standard 2005 Visual Mind 7 NovaMind 2.0 (for Mac) Inspiration 7 Inspiration for Pocket PC HeadCase Map it! Visual Concept 2.5 (concept […]
AKS releases version 2.6 of Mind Pad
AKS Labs announced the availability of version 2.6 of its Mind Pad software yesterday. Here’s a link to the news release. The program features a number of new and improved features, including: The ability to create links to web resources, A "reorder children" function, which enables users to quickly and easily re-order the branches of […] launches new mind-map based programming tool
A company called has just launched a new object-oriented programming tool, based on MindManager Pro 6.0, which allows knowledge workers with minimal technical skills to build custom web applications. Here’s a link to yesterday’s announcement. Here’s how this application is described on the website: “The user describes their needs in a set of […]
Collaborative mind mapping application… for education
Douglas Woods reports in his Ecademy blog that a collaborative mind mapping application – one that enables multiple users to simultaneously contribute to a single map – is now available. But there is a catch: it’s only available for the educational market for now. The program is called 2Connect and was developed by the educational […]
Under development: A content summarizer for MindManager
According to a post today in the Yahoo MindManager newsgroup, a company called Model Technologies is working on a new plug-in for MindManager that can review a Word document, extract the key topics and phrases, rank them in order of importance, and can insert the results into a MindManager map. It looks pretty cool! Click […]
The Elements of Mapping
Software-created mind maps are wonderful things. You can structure them any way you want, according to the way your brain works. Unfortunately, when you share your maps with others, there is a chance that your colleagues may not easily understand their meaning. That’s why Tom Blossom has started to create a list of "best practices" […]
What do you need to know about mind mapping software?
I’m now in the process of developing content for volume 2 of Power Tips & Strategies for Mind Mapping Software, my popular e-book on getting the most out of this type of program. I really want to make sure that this new e-book will be very focused on the needs of users of mind mapping […]