I’m pleased to announce that I will soon begin development of the Mind Map Accelerator, a new e-course that will help people who are curious about the promise and potential of mind mapping software to get started with it, quickly and easily.
This new course will meet non-users of visual mapping software in the place they are now – linear thinking. It takes them, step-by-step, from linear lists to mind mapping their information on paper and from there, inputting their information into free or low-cost mind mapping software.
I’ve been working on a mind map outline of this course; I’m at an early enough point in its development that I welcome your input:
What topics should I include in this “getting started with mind mapping software” e-course? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
I especially want to hear from people who are reading this post and are still thinking about investing in a visual thinking tool. What do you need to know? What don’t you understand that this course could explain to you in layman’s terms?
Supporting the cause
Development of a video e-course is significantly more expensive that producing an e-book. Therefore, I have decided to explore the possibility of “crowdfunding” the development of the Mind Map Accelerator – seeking investment or seed money from a group of supporters to underwrite the development of a new product or service. Investors get discounts on the product when it’s launched and other special bonuses for being willing to support the cause or idea behind the project.
Often, people support crowdfunding campaigns because they believe in the cause behind the product. In this case, I’m trying to bring the benefits of mind mapping software to a larger universe of business people who could benefit from it. Crowdfunding for the Mind Map Accelerator will help to fund video production and other vendor services, as well as aggressively promoting this course to the larger world of business people who aren’t currently using visual thinking software and other expenses. It will also help to support my family and I as I devote the lion’s share of my time to developing this course.
I’m now finalizing the script for my crowdfunding campaign and will soon be meeting with a videographer to shoot a video to go with it.
Timetable for the Mind Map Accelerator e-course
My hope is to launch my crowdfunding campaign in late April or early May on Kickstarter.com or Indiegogo.com.
- The development of the course will commence around June, with development taking most of the summer here in the Northern Hemisphere.
- Launch of the e-course should be around September
Please note: This is a preliminary schedule and will undoubtedly be adjusted as I finalize my product development process.
Sign up for the Mind Map Accelerator e-mail list
If you’d like to be notified of ongoing developments with the Mind Map Accelerator, please sign up below for the special e-mail list for this valuable course. If you already receive the newsletter for this blog, you don’t need to do so – you’re already on my list for this announcement.
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