Tim Leberecht from Mindjet recently pointed out an interesting fact about mind mapping software in the company’s weblog (while his comments are specific to MindManager, the idea behind them applies to just about every mind mapping program):
"MindManager increases productivity as we know from many customers and case studies. Sure. But other software does that, too. What really distinguishes MindManager from all the other productivity software out there is that it combines creativity and productivity in the very same mind, or, literally, on the very same map. MindManager bridges the gap between idea and implementation, turns thoughts into relationships, and puts plans into action. In this new business thinking, creative and managerial mind form “a whole new mind” (as Dan Pink coins it) – with the result of more creativity spent more productively, allowing more ideas to lead to real innovation."
I’ve often struggled with how to put into words what makes mind mapping software unique. Tim has done it with a high degree of brevity and clarity!
(cross-posted to the Innovation Weblog)