Entrepreneurs and small businesses are the innovators and drivers of the 21st century economy. More than most businesses, you need innovative thinking and fresh ideas to envision new products, services, business models and solutions. You thrive or struggle based upon the quality of your thinking and your ideas. You are the torchbearers of the Innovation Age.
You have been some of the biggest early adopters of mind mapping software – because you don’t have to convince your IT department that it’s a worthwhile investment. You want it, you buy it. You’re the business owner. You can do that. But I want to know more about what you’re DOING with it, and how it has benefited you as the owner of a growing, innovative business.
At the same time, I get the sense that there is a new groundswell of entrepreneurialism emerging. What got me thinking about this idea was Chris Brogan, who has created a constellation of companies and services (such as Human Business Works and Kitchen Table Companies) designed to help people with great ideas to build businesses and communities of customers around them.
There are some exciting things going on here, and I want to shed some light on them.
If you’re an entrepreneur or owner of a small business, I would love to hear from you. How are YOU utilizing mind mapping software to help manage, grow and innovate your business?
Please share your thoughts in the comments area below. I look forward to hearing from you!
Tony Wanless · 721 weeks ago
When I work with soloists (coaches, consultants, speakers, etc) to form reinvention strategies and operational methodologies, I use mind maps extensively because they provide solid action plans on a quarterly and yearly basis. Whenever an entrepreneur gets off track -- which is often -- they can refer to the map to see where they should be.
Tony Wanless, Knowpreneur Consultants, www.kn
chuckfrey 53p · 721 weeks ago
Jocelyn Coverdale · 721 weeks ago
Every article, presentation, speech, or workshop I give starts as a map -- I do most of my thinking and planning in maps. For marketing, I have a beautifully visual map of my company's services and value proposition that I print out in color and distribute to leads groups and prospects. When I am a participant in a workshop or presentation, my notes are formatted as maps with paper and pencil.
I use Mind Manager for work projects but use Personal Brain as my Knowledge Management center. I often work collaboratively with other professionals and share maps with them in the process of developing joint presentations or training programs. Key points I pull from the books I read are noted in mind maps. When I research a topic, the websites and resources I pull from my files are linked, stored and organized into a map.
And I could go on and on. Guess I'm a true believer??
Luca Monaco · 721 weeks ago
I arrived to the mindmap software when i discovered that naturally i was using mindmapping (without knowing it!) to capture my thoughts.
What a surprise discover it!
Now i'm using Xmind because it's free and mostly because after having tried most of mindmapping software still i need to find a solution that fits 100% my needs