Here’s an interesting application of visual mapping: GoalEnforcer is a specialized software program that utilizes a simplified form of mind mapping to enable you to record your goals and break big goals down into smaller, more manageable ones. You start by brainstorming your goals, recording your ideas quickly. Next, you drag and drop your goals, in much the same way as you refine a mind map. Goals can have sub-goals and sub-sub-goals, and so forth. You can even add deadlines to each goal, and track percentage toward completion for each goal. The program uses color-coded circles to indicate the status of each goal. For example, green means that a task has been completed, yellow means it’s due today or running behind, and red means a task is overdue. GoalEnforcer also includes several reports, which display your progress toward your milestone goals in both tabular and line graph formats.
If you enjoy setting and achieving goals, this program is definitely worth a look. A trial version is available for download from the GoalEnforcer website.