Thanks to alert reader Phil Chambers (author of the 101 Top Tips for Better Mind Maps book I recently told you about), I just learned that the Buzan organization is developing a new mind mapping program called iMindMap. Its website says that it will be Java-based, which means it will be able to run on just about any computing platform, and that it will enable users to create maps that look like they were hand drawn. Here’s a list of product features. What’s notable?
- iMindMap will support the drawing of maps on Tablet PCs and whiteboards
- Multiple images can be attached to a single branch
- Text on branches will follow the curves of the branch, and text can be stretched out or spaced to fit its length
The website says that iMindMap will be available "soon." I’m now writing to the Buzan organization to find out more, and I will let you know as soon as I hear something from them.
Stefanos Karagos · 954 weeks ago
The best feature for me is the natural way of branch drawing...
Download link of the beta version is available now!
EeKay · 915 weeks ago
I'll go on reading your blog right now ;)