According to the development team at Buzan Online, version 3.1 of iMindMap will be released later this week, which will contain several project management enhancements:
Integration between iMindMap and Outlook: This will give users the ability to import Outlook contacts into iMindMap for project resource allocation and management. The integration will also enable the sending of tasks and milestones to Outlook. This smart-sending feature will also send tasks via Outlook to the relevant resource (if they were imported from Outlook) and can even issue updates, so if you change a tasks in your mind map you can just update Outlook without duplicates or errors. I’m a big fan of integration between mind maps and Outlook, because so much corporate information resides in e-mail messages, and Outlook has become a de facto standard for many businesses around the world. What’s especially nice is that this is two-way integration between iMindMap and Outlook. I can’t wait to try it out!
Progress icons: Version 3.1 will enable users to progress icons to each project task. These icons can be placed onto the task branches to indicate the task’s progress and can be updated by simply clicking on the icon, which causes their value to increase in 25% increments. Nice!
It’s nice to see Buzan Online’s ongoing commitment to continuously enhancing this well-designed mind mapping program with new and enhanced business features.
Joan Korte · 854 weeks ago
I cannot get through to imindmap techsupport. In two weeks, I have written three tickets. The mind maps as I export them to pdf are consistently off center and to the left of center. Since they don't have a forum, I am wondering if any of the folks who read your posts have experienced this problem. If not, then "mea culpa". I have re-set my spam filters and still no response to my emails. I am hoping they read your posts. Thanks! I am about to teach a class related to Bible study and introducing many folks to mind maps so I need them to work!
Joan Korte · 854 weeks ago
Tim Fulford · 849 weeks ago
The development team are very responsive to ideas, suggestions and issues. As a trainer I have access to the development forum and I can and will pass on any concerns, ideas and suggestions that you might have.
I export PDF versions a lot and have not found a problem. Maybe this is to do with your paper settings? I always print A4 & A3. In my printer settings when I open my PDF document there a 'centre' option. Have you used that?
Let me know how you get on.
Paul Rasmussen · 840 weeks ago