As a blogger and mind mapping expert, I’m committed to providing you with the information and resources you need to be an effective visual mapper. The verbatim comments to my last mind mapping software survey plus a steady stream of questions received via feedback has convinced me that there’ s a hunger from you, the readers of this blog to KNOW more and DO more with mind mapping software.
For those of you who want to have a deeper, more strategic knowledge of how to apply these productivity tools in your business, I have created a new Mind Mapping Insider membership level on this blog.
I want to emphasize right up front: This doesn’t take anything away from the content and services I already provide you – not one iota!
Rather, it adds a new layer of tools, tips, best practices and resources on top of what I already offer here – so if you want to go deeper in terms of your knowledge of visual mapping, now you can! It includes:
- Coaching calls
- Interviews with mind mapping experts
- Access to special reports
- Access to all of my e-books (including Power Tips & Strategies for Mind Mapping Software and Creativity Hacks)
- Access to my mind mapping software comparison sheets
- 1-2 mind map analyses per month
- Video reports and product reviews
Click here to learn more about the Mind Mapping Insider membership program and how it can benefit you!