I recently saw the movie Limitless, which I really enjoyed. The premise of this movie is this: What if you could access 100% of your brain’s capacity, instead of 5 to 10%?
The main character, Eddie Morra (played by actor Brad Cooper), is a down on his luck writer who gets a supply of this mysterious transparent pill called NZT from his ex-brother-in-law. When Morra takes it, the fetters came off of his brain and he is able to do amazing, almost superhuman thinking feats – he finishes his book, develops new algorithms that make him a wildly successful investor, and it eventually enables him to run for President of the United States.
When he takes NZT, Morra is laser focused and more confident than any man alive. Everything he has read, heard or seen is instantly organized and available to him. He is able to become wildly successful because he can see several steps into the future, to discern patterns that no one else can see, and he acts and profits accordingly. Unfortunately, people who get hooked on NZT tend to die, either from bad guys killing them or from some unfortunate side effects of this über-drug.
The underlying premise of this movie is a fascinating one: What if you could use more of your brain’s capacity?
The fact is, you have a tool available to you that already does that – and it doesn’t have any undesirable side effects: mind mapping software. It’s an astounding organizational and brainstorming tool that enables you to capture information with incredible flexibility, see underlying patterns, generate ideas and take desirable action – just like Eddie Morra did in the movie.
Visually, the movie makes the point that when Morra is taking NZT, he is able to see things with astounding clarity. According to the readers of this blog, the number one benefit of mind mapping software is the ability to reach clarity, faster. In addition, it enables you to tackle more complex challenges that others may tend to avoid, a fact pointed out by Sanjay Jhawar, the VP of marketing for Sonim Technologies, in a recent MindManager case history. I’m paraphrasing the first part of his remarks, but I urge you pay particular attention to the quote from him:
As humans, we can only hold so many ideas or “factors” in our mind at any given time. MindManager enables users to put these factors in maps, grouping them, and rearranging them, making it easier to see the options and spot similarities. “MindManager allows for dealing with the kinds of complex problems we usually steer away from, because we don’t know how to think about them,” says Jhawar. “It’s a tool for attacking those kinds of issues, synthesizing them and communicating them to someone else.”
This isn’t meant to be a commercial for MindManager, of course. These benefits are available to the users of any mind mapping software. But think for a moment about what Jhawar just said. As business people, we face complex challenges that we tend to avoid “because we don’t know how to think about them.” In effect, he’s implying that mind mapping software acts like an amplifier for our thinking, in much the same way as the mythical drug NZT does. It enables us to bring order out of complexity, gives us remarkable clarity and lets us take profitable action.
So what will you accomplish now that you know your potential is “limitless,” thanks to the powerful visualization tool you have at your fingertips?
mrsmartepants 0p · 726 weeks ago
I use it to run 3 companies which would be impossible w/o the maps.
Thanks for the overview and reminder about what the potentials are with mapping