The mind mapping community has adopted the social networking tool Twitter big-time, with at least 18 bloggers, developers and mind mapping enthusiasts active on this social networking tool. It has quickly evolved into a wonderful tool for (briefly) sharing ideas and resources, and for networking with other like-minded people.
Here’s a list of the people who are “tweeting” about mind mapping, and links to help you to explore what they’re talking about. Some of them post quite frequently, while others are “lurking” quietly, absorbing the flow of ideas and resources that others are sharing. My recommendation is to click through to view each person’s Twitter page, and consider “following” them for a time. If they’re not adding any value to you, you can easily “un-follow” them. I look for thought leaders, who are sharing articles, websites, tips and resources that I wasn’t aware of. I urge you to do the same!
Chuckfrey – Yours truly, of course (you gotta follow me!)
Mindmapblog – Chance Brown, who writes the excellent Mind Map Blog.
Assistivetek – Brian Friedlander, author of the AssistiveTek Blog, which covers mind mapping with a special emphasis on its educational applications.
Lucianop – Luciano Passuelo, author of the excellent LiteMind blog, which covers creativity, problem solving and mind mapping.
Rogercparker – Author of books and resources about getting yourself published, with a heavy influence on mind mapping as an organization and story outlining tool.
Pascal_venier – Dr. Pascal Venier blogs about mind mapping and a variety of other topics.
Ajwilcox – A UK-based MindManager trainer and author of the Applications of MindManager blog.
Mindmapswitch – Matthew Lang is author of the Mind Map Switch blog.
Trishussey – Tris is a social media expert who publishes a blog that occasionally covers mind mapping topics.
Jkendrick – James Kendrick blogs about mind mapping on the Tablet PC, among other high-tech topics on his JKontheRun Blog.
Jamienast – Jamie is a well-respected mind mapping trainer and the author of the book, Idea Mapping.
Software developers
Gideonking – the founder of NovaMind Development Pty. and “father” of the mind mapping program of the same name.
Michaeldeutch – Michael is Director of Solutions Marketing for Mindjet.
Mindjet – Gaelen O’Connell at Mindjet posts to this account, which contains frequent posts about what’s new in the MindManager universe.
Melindavenable – Works with Gaelen O’Connell in the area of customer advocacy for Mindjet.
Voxenable – This is the developer of an application that works with Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 to “voice enable” MindManager 8.
Webspiration_TG – Webspiration is a web-based mapping application from the same people who brought us Inspiration.
Meadmap – Developer of a web-based mapping tool that is focused on the educational market, based on the technology behind Comapping.
Fafner – Markus Müller, developer of MindNode for the Mac.
Have fun exploring and learning!
Tom AKA The Bookwrig · 843 weeks ago
Some good people to follow there - thanks for the pointers Chuck
Michael Deutch · 843 weeks ago
Jamie Nast · 843 weeks ago
I was on the phone with Michael Deutch today and happened to mention that I was getting a crazy number of people following me on Twitter today. He told me about your post and solved the mystery. Thanks!
Thomas N. Burg · 843 weeks ago
you could put me on your list. I'm with MindMeister
Andrew Wilcox · 843 weeks ago
Hope they don't get confused by witterings about auctions (the website was created in MindManager and will be updated tomorrow) or where l am in London.
Thank you Chuck
Roger C. Parker · 842 weeks ago
This was an incredibly valuable post; thank you for pointing out those I can follow on Twitter.
This type of research-driven information helps everyone.
raj · 842 weeks ago
I'm a mind mapping blogger, too, as you've seen. My Twitter name is "talespinner".
The Mindjet Blog » How and Why Mindjet and I are Twittering
Ken Santos · 781 weeks ago
People who tweet on ideas and inspiration | Atlassoft Blog