Are you thinking about investing in mind mapping software, but don’t know which program to choose? Then you should download the Mind Mapping Software Comparison Chart.
It will enable you to compare the features and functionality of 11 popular mind mapping programs, side-by-side, in a convenient dot chart. It also contains some new resources since the last edition of this popular guide:
- A summary of the most notable features of each program
- A link to my latest review of each program
- A link to each developer’s website
- A 6-page companion guide that will help you make sense of the dot chart. It explains the meaning behind many of the features listed in the chart. It also provides you with helpful questions you should ask to help you discern your software needs.
Improving on the mind mapping software comparison chart
The previous edition of this comparison chart was one of the most popular downloads from this blog, because it condenses so much useful information into a compact format. I’ve made it even better this time by giving you a convenient way to drill down to additional information about each program – plus a brand-new guide to help you make sense of it all.
If you’ve been on the fence about investing in mind mapping software, these resources will help you to quickly identify the right program for your business needs.
To get these free resources now, simply fill in your e-mail address in the form below, and you’ll be transferred to the download page.
Anna · 529 weeks ago