You have the potential to be a superhero. You just don’t realize it yet, claims social media strategy expert Christopher Penn.
In a recent blog post, he makes the case that one of the biggest opportunities for business growth in the years ahead is going to be helping business people to cope with their attention deficits. Basically, we’re becoming so overwhelmed by all of the sources of news, information and data around us that we’re becoming immobilized by it. And that can have a negative effect on our business. I’ll let him explain:
“Attention isn’t just about too many social networks and too many shiny objects. Attention is all about not getting things done because too much is piled up on your plate. Attention is all about opportunities lost because you just flat out forgot about them, revenue not realized because no one followed up, and system failures because no one has the time or focus to do routine maintenance.
“Attention deficits aren’t going to get better any time soon. While you’re distracted and diverted, your business is crumbling out from underneath you. Those people who specialize in rescues for when you really screw up are going to ride this macro trend to the bank and back, several times… If you specialize in rescuing other people from their lack of attention, you’ve got a secure future.”
I think Chris is absolutely right. If you’re the person who has super powers of observation, synthesis, analysis and creativity, you can help others out of challenges they face – and be more successful in your own job.
I believe mind mapping software is a key tool that can help you to become better organized, more productive and more creative – in other words, better able to handle everything in your overstuffed, fast-moving life. The ability to stay on top of multiple priorities, solving problems effectively and uncovering new opportunities gives you an important competitive advantage. For years, I’ve been calling mind mapping software the “savvy executive’s secret weapon.”
Did you ever think about it that way? If not, you should!
If you’re in any kind of a consulting role, mind mapping software can be a powerful tool in your arsenal to bring clarity to the challenges that your clients are facing. It can help you to generate fresh ideas and solutions. And, thanks to the task management capabilities of today’s mind mapping software, it’s also a powerful execution tool, helping you to deliver superior results no matter what kind of a job you have.
On his blog, Chris encourages readers to awaken your inner superhero:
“Consider this: from where you sit reading this right now, you have access to streams of real-time information from all over the world, knowledge spread the moment it’s created. You can watch far-off places, have immediate or near-immediate access to the sum of publicly available human knowledge, communicate with thousands, if not millions of people with just a few clicks of a mouse, influence and affect people next door and thousands of miles away… You have superpowers that a generation ago would have been not only legendary, but even absurd.”
While he engages in a bit of poetic hyperbole in this description, his underlying point is a solid one:
We have access to tools that can help us do some really amazing things.
But like super powers of speed and strength, the power to be a super information manager can only be tapped if you learn how to effectively use the tools available to you – such as mind mapping software. That’s where you can benefit from my Mind Mapping Insider membership program. It gives you access to tips and strategies that can help you be significantly more productive, creative and effective. If you haven’t checked it out, why not do so now? There’s no obligation.
OK now, it’s time to go. There’s a world out there that needs us. Put on your mind mapping superhero cape, and let’s spring into action!