Mindjet has released a new Word 2007 Map Editor for MindManager. It enables you to to share maps created in MindManager with colleagues and coworkers who use Microsoft Word 2007. They can open and edit the MindManager map embedded in the Word document file, and their changes will be reflected in the map when you re-open it in MindManager. This "round-trip" editing capability is made possible by Microsoft’s adoption of open XML in its new Office 2007 suite, which includes Word 2007
The Word 2007 add-in installs a predefined set of MindManager icons, images, priorities, resources, and hierarchical structures into Word’s new "ribbon" toolbars, helping to ensure a rich environment for collaboration and idea sharing. This new use of XML technology promises to revolutionize the ability of MindManager users to collaborate with colleagues who don’t have the popular mind mapping software. It will also expose MindManager to a much larger audience of Office users, who previously would need to have the mind mapping program or a free file viewer installed on their PCs in order to view these visual maps.
The Word 2007 Map Editor is available for free from the Mindjet website.
Raghu · 954 weeks ago
If not why are there none - what are your thoughts ?
Jose · 954 weeks ago
sorry for my english, i'm german. I'm interested in the area of knowledge representation since a long time.
The only problem i have is to find the right tool. I used a long time ago a mind map program but that was on the
earlyer beginning and was not better than doing it on paper. I suppose now it is very different.
What i need and what seems to be difficult to realize is the representation of knwoledge in more than one static way.
I will explain and since i apreciate your Innovationtools site very i want to ask you if there is a mindmap programm or something else that is apropriated for me.
Let's suppose i have a mindmap with my collection of books let's say 5 category's in a deep hiearachy (category,genre, author, what else...)
And now the problem. I want to make a package of 10 books to read on my holidays and another package to give it as a gift to a friend.
Those packages have they own order and hiearchy say as example(Easy books for the first days, books to offer to mother,...)
The main problem is i have ordered the books in the collection of books mindmap with all the information. I only can make new nodes "package for the holiday" and
subcategorys and from there graphical links to the books in the collection. This would work fine with a few links but if i wan't to make 7 packages with 10 books
as example i would have 70 graphical links crossover the mindmaps.
Now my question, did you know a mindmap software that solves the problem elegant and even if it didn't solve that could be a little better than other.
I don't know how, maybe showing only the links when touching the node or highlighting all linked nodes or something else ?
I don't want to try them all (Mindmangaer, Conceptmap,OpenMind,...).
This problem is well known in the system theory, where like databases you have more views than one on your database with querys.
The problem is to represent it graphicaly, i think this will be done in the next Years. A concept map with 1000 graphical links
is yet not a realy help, because the brain understands only chunks of informations with a logical order and when all is linked with all
graphicaly there is no order. But there is more than only one order to a topic than a classic mind map suggests.
Thanks for the help.