During 2005, Arjen ter Hoeve’s weekly MindMap Software Podcast was the place to learn about the latest developments in mind mapping software. It featured interesting interviews with developers, and thoughtful guest commentary from mind mapping expert Wallace Tait. However, new shows stopped appearing in late December, as Arjen got busy with some other projects. This week, he has announced that he has decided to cease publication of this popular podcast, but will continue to operate the All MindMap News blog where the podcasts were based.
I’m sorry to see this excellent mind mapping resource get scaled back, but I do understand how much time and energy it must have taken Arjen to produce this audio program on a weekly basis. I’m glad to report that he remains active in the area of mind mapping. In addition to the All MindMap News blog, Arjen still operates the MindMap Training website and is selling an e-book on business applications of mind mapping. I wish Arjen continuing good luck in his ventures!