The developers of MindMeister, a popular web-based mind mapping tool, have just announced a very cool tool that can help you to capture your ideas quickly, and automatically forward them to your default MindMeister online map. It’s called GeistesBlitz, which is literally translated as "mind flash" – a sudden insight or idea.
This applet is available in versions for the Mac OS X Dashboard and the Windows Vista Sidebar. It sits on your desktop, waiting for you to type and submit your ideas, which it handles without having to open a browser or log you in to your MindMeister account. Ideas are inserted in a special branch to top left of the central topic of your map. In principle, this tool sounds something like GyroQ, a tool that captures your ideas and sends them to the MindManager map that you specify.
MindMeister also announced the availability of a Quicksearch Extension for Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox, which adds a form field to the top right-hand corner of your browser, which can also be used to send your ideas to your default MindMeister map.
Unfortunately, I’m still running Windows XP, so I can’t try out GeistesBlitz – how about a version for Yahoo Gadgets, guys? Still, I think the idea is very cool, and is a sign of the awesome innovation going on in the world of web-based mind mapping tools!
Peter Maddern · 925 weeks ago
Peter Maddern in the UK here.
This is not necessarily relevant to your article above, but I have come across this application called MindFull:-
It doesn't look to be a high end mind mapping application but I thought it was interesting that you cad add voice notes to the map.
I think that would be a great feature to see in some of the more high end applications.