According to the latest newsletter from NovaMind Software, the developer has released NovaMind version 3.1 for Mac OS X, with over 50 new features. Among the most notable:
- A new user interface, which features a multi-tabbed toolbar, to keep interface clutter to a minimum,
- The ability to work with multiple maps within a single document,
- Support for background images on your maps
- Metadata about your maps can now be stored in the document (creator, last updated, etc.)
- Multiple hyperlinks on one topic
- Full-screen editing, with "slide-away" toolbars
This sounds like a major step forward for NovaMind on the elegant Mac OS X operating system.
NovaMind 3.0 for Windows has moved out of "early adopters" stage and is now a full release. The last change to be made prior to full release was the addition of a customized color picker, which is an improvement over the less-than-elegant Windows color picker that users had to work with before.
NovaMind Software also reports that version 3.1 for Windows is under development. The company has hired a Windows interface designer, and work is underway to make it an even better user experience. The screenshot (above right) shows the direction that the developer is headed with this release.
Finally, NovaMind software has announced that you can now buy NovaMind for Mac OS X in Apple Computer stores throughout the U.S. This should be a major step forward for acceptance of this accomplished program, which is arguably the best mind mapping software available for the Mac platform.
jitendra · 946 weeks ago