Raj from the Geekpreneur Blog recently wrote a post that is an excellent primer on personal dashboards – what they are, and why mind mapping software is such an effective tool to create them. He outlines 11 possible uses for this type of personal productivity tool, which can be used to help you keep track of your personal and professional life.
If you have ever toyed with the idea of creating a personal dashboard, but didn’t quite know what one was or how it would benefit you, then I strongly urge you to read this post.
Here are some of the types of information that a personal dashboard may contain, according to Raj:
- Personal goals – career, relationship, etc.
- Tasks by time period – daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, long-term
- Personal tasks – meetings, appointments, reminders
- Work tasks
- Schedule
- Work log – a record of what you did, by day or even by hour
- Reading list – online (URLs), or print (list of magazines, books, authors)
- Passwords
- Notes in full text
- Links to finished documents, including word processor or spreadsheet files
- Design snippets
Raj then goes on to outline the capabilities of mind mapping software that makes it particularly well-suited to creating personal dashboards. If you’ve ever wanted to know more about this type of map, this post is an excellent primer!
Note: the home dashboard map pictured above comes from the BiggerPlate.com mind map library, and is available in MindManager .mmap form here.