I recently attended a PR, branding and social media conference in Milwaukee where I had the opportunity to make a few remarks about the power of mind mapping software, and how it can make a difference in some basic business tasks.
The response during the next day and a half was amazing.
Other attendees kept coming up to me, asking questions about it, and how to get started in using it. I kept hearing comments and seeing tweets stating different variations on the theme of, “I’m really going to need to look into mind mapping software. It looks like a fantastic tool that could really help me to be more efficient and organized!”
While I was encouraged by all of this interest in mind mapping software, I was also a bit mystified. I can’t believe that so many business people still don’t understand the benefits that this type of productivity software can offer to them. It occurred to me that I need to reach beyond this blog, to create opportunities where a wider audience can here about this powerful type of productivity tool.
How can I make a difference?
As I brainstormed ways to do this, it became obvious to me that it’s not enough to talk about the principles and applications of mind mapping software. Often, people respond to compelling stories more readily than factual statements. That’s why I’ve decided to solicit and collect the stories of the amazing things that people like YOU are accomplishing with mind mapping software. My plan is to assemble these stories into a special report, which I will disseminate broadly on the web and to the mainstream business media.
To collect this information, I have created a simple survey that asks this set of questions:
- How would you describe the value you have experienced by using mind mapping software in your work and life?
- What, specifically have you used it for?
- What results have you been able to achieve because of it?
Please share your amazing mind mapping story here.
What’s in it for you?
I will award the top 5 stories (as judged by me) with free lifetime memberships to my new Mind Mapping Insider membership program.
I look forward to reading your stories!
The winners of the "amazing mind mapping stories" contest