In September, I conducted a survey of users of web-based mind mapping applications, to learn how people are utilizing them and to shed some light on the advantages, disadvantages and future potential of this exciting new technology. The results of this survey are finally available.
Here are several highlights from this report to whet your appetite:
- Many respondents view collaboration as the key value that these web-based tools provide. Real-time (synchronous) and asynchronous (not at the same time) collaboration with mind maps aren’t that easy to do with desktop software, but its one of the key strengths of web-based applications. Survey respondents foresee a bright future for web-based mind mapping in this important area.
- Respondents share a widely-held perception that the features and functionality of web-based mind mapping applications aren’t as good as those offered by desktop software, but they’re starting to catch up. Still, respondents have a number of lingering concerns, which could limit their interest in these tools (you’ll have to read the report to find out what those concerns are).
- Another major concern is the security of one’s mind maps when using these tools, because your maps are stored on a remote server. Can others view my maps? If the developer of the application goes out of business, what happens to my maps?
There’s a lot of great data here, as well as a lot of user opinions on what they like about web-based mind mapping tools, what needs to improve about them and where developers should focus their efforts in order to deliver the functionality that they expect. Fascinating stuff! Why not download this free report today?