I recently had the opportunity to interview Matthew Tanguay, the developer of a technique called Speed Mind Mapping, and the author of a website and blog of the same name. He offers a variety of services to help busy executives and teams to capture and distill information using mind mapping software, to help authors, speakers, bloggers and other content producers to be more productive, and to coach people to develop new visual mapping habits.
Before I got on this call with Matthew, I thought that Speed Mind Mapping was just about creating mind maps quickly for others. Also, I couldn’t quite understand why you would want to pay someone else to create visual maps for you. Why not do them yourself? But as he explained his system and services to me, it all became abundantly clear:
Matthew provides a number of valuable services that meet some real needs in today’s dynamic, fast-moving business world. He also employs some excellent techniques that we can all learn from. As he talked, I was taking notes furiously. This turned out to be a very informative interview, which I strongly urge you to listen to! Please note: This interview is now accessible by Mind Mapping Insider members only.
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