Visual thinking tools like mind maps and diagrams can help you with creative problem-solving. Here are 9 techniques you can use.
Amp up your creativity with this proven 5-step process
Leaving creativity to chance isn’t scalable or sustainable. Here’s a 5-step process you can use with mind maps to amplify your creativity.
Exploring 8 brainstorming techniques with Miro [VIDEO]
I recently conducted an experiment with visual collaboration tool Miro to see if I could use it to recreate popular brainstorming techniques. The results turned out better than I could have imagined. In this post, I share 8 tools I created using Miro’s flexible toolset.
Elevate your thinking with the Brainstorming with Mind Mapping Software e-course
Mind mapping software is a powerful tool to brainstorm ways to improve your creativity, impact and effectiveness in your work. My e-course shows you how.
12 ways mind mapping tools can transform your thinking at work
The quality of your thinking in your job matters like never before. Mind mapping software can help you think at a significantly higher level at work. Here are 12 ways it transforms your thinking.
Need creative inspiration? Change your perspective with this mind map
Have you ever been stumped by a creative challenge? Maybe you just need to look at it from a new, creative perspective with this simple mind map.
Creativity Hacks 2.0 provides a compelling view of today’s creative problem-solving techniques, tools and resources
I’m excited to announce the availability of the revised and significantly expanded 2nd edition of my popular book, Creativity Hacks: Shortcuts to Help You to Crush Your Challenges & Live a Kick-A** Life. It contains over 100 new pages of techniques, tools and resources you can use hand-in-hand with mind mapping software to help you generate, organize and assess your ideas.
How to create a solution map
The world’s most creative people develop better ideas by looking at situations from different perspectives than the rest of us. In particular, most people tend to start from where they are now when searching for creative solutions. A more productive approach, according to Keith Sawyer, author of Zig Zag: The Surprising Path to Greater Creativity, is to “go back from the future.”
A little-known but powerful visual approach to solving your biggest challenges
A “force field analysis” is a little-known but powerful creative problem-solving technique that can help you to deconstruct your current challenge into its strengths and weaknesses in – and to focus on those that will help you ensure a successful outcome.
How to create a “board of directors” to help you solve problems and generate creative solutions
When it comes to thinking creatively, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut. Our ideas tend to fall into the same predictable categories, despite our efforts to the contrary. How can you jump-start your thinking in some new, creative directions? One way is to form your own personal “board of directors.”