During times of economic instability, it’s always a great idea to update your resume and LinkedIn profile with your latest and greatest accomplishments. Usually, layoffs happen with little or no notice. Why not be prepared to make a quick leap to your next job opportunity? One way to increase the impact of your CV and […]
Linkedin profile mind map template version 2.0 now available
A significantly expanded Linkedin profile mind map template is the subject of this week’s Mind Mapping Insider report.
Your LinkedIn profile: A more strategic, visual approach
How effective is your Linkedin profile? Is it completely filled out? Does it represent a compelling picture of your unique experience? Is it optimized so that it appears high in Linkedin search results for the keywords that describe what you do? If the answer to any of these questions is no, perhaps you need to take a more strategic approach to crafting a kick-butt profile that will get you the results you need.
How to create a simple but powerful job marketing plan mind map
In the market for a new job? So are many people. Two of the biggest challenges you’ll face as you seek your next career opportunity are finding jobs that are a good fit with your skills and passion, and standing out from the hordes of other job seekers. A job marketing plan mind map can help on both counts.
Visualize.me: Picture your resume as a kick-ass infographic
An impressive new web-based application called Visualize.me automatically converts your Linkedin profile into a colorful infographic. Its developers hope it will revolutionize the resume, replacing the boring, text-based skills summary with a colorful visual representation of your career.
How a profile mind map can help you to stand out
I recently interviewed Jamie Nast about profile mind maps, which can be used by job seekers and others to differentiate themselves in a very engaging way.