ResultsManager is a personal planning system from Gyronix that integrates with MindManager. It follows the principles of David Allen’s popular Getting Things Done (GTD) system, and is a powerful tool that can help you to continuously track you commitments, responsibilities, projects, tasks and ideas. So it should come as no surprise that someone has developed a blog to share their experiences in implementing ResultsManager – Walter Terry’s Taming Chaos weblog. Definitely worth checking out, if you’re looking for a way to succesfully battle Information Overload!
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Walter Terry · 988 weeks ago
Look, if you find that guy who's successfully battling information overload, could you send him right over?
Kidding aside, thanks for the mention. Sometimes when you've just started blogging, it's akin to throwing words out into a big empty space -- you never know if you're hitting anything. Until someone comments.