One or two people have written to me during the past few weeks, telling me they think $19.95 a month is too much for the Mind Mapping Insider (MMI) membership program.
If you’re serious about improving your visual mapping skills, it’s actually an excellent value. Here’s why:
MMI is focused on your needs
First, the Mind Mapping Insider program is well worth the investment because it is focused on your needs. If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you know that I love surveys; I run several of them a year, focused on different aspects of mind mapping software. Your feedback gives me some awesome insights into what you’re using and how you’re using it. But it also gives me a great opportunity to ask you what you need help with. Almost every survey I do has at least one question that is focused on your needs:
- What are you struggling with?
- What do you need help with?
- What do you wish you knew about mind mapping software?
Your responses have convinced me that there’s a great hunger for knowledge about how to grow your skills beyond basic competency to mastery of this visual thinking medium. You’ve invested in mind mapping software, and you’re able to do basic tasks with it, but you want to know what ELSE you can do. You want advice on how to create more effective mind maps. You want to see examples of what well-designed mind maps look like, and to be inspired by the maps and visual mapping practices of others.
That’s what MMI is all about – providing a place where you can learn how to harness the full power of mind mapping software to help you do make a difference in your work and life.
MMI gives you a massive return on investment
The Mind Mapping Insider membership fee is actually a very modest investment, if you consider it in the larger context. Let me explain: If you could charge an hourly rate for your time, what would your time be worth? Let’s say, for example, that you’re worth $75 per hour. For many of you, your hourly rate will be higher, especially if you’re an entrepreneur, manager or senior-level executive.
Let’s further assume that MMI can help you to increase your productivity by only 10% (several studies, including one I’ve conducted, put the average productivity increase of mind mapping software at around 20%!). In other words, these are conservative numbers; yours will most likely be higher. Based on the average number of working hours per month (7.5 hours x 20 days per month), you’d be realizing approximately 60 times your investment in membership fees in additional value to your business, as the bar chart above shows.
Beyond efficiency: Creating new value
Saving you time and helping you to become more efficient isn’t the only benefit of the Mind Mapping Insider program. It will also enable you to create new value – in terms of ideas for new products, services, business models and processes, greater clarity and better business decisions – that add even more value to your organization, your career and your life. When you add up the value of increased efficiency and that of increased creativity, the result is a massive return on your investment. Where else can you spend the cost of a nice dinner once a month and achieve this kind of results?
You see, in today’s business world, ideas are the new currency – your ability to generate them, to evaluate, distill, organize and share them is more important than ever. And mind mapping software is the great, but largely unseen, enabler of this revolution. The people who learn how to use it well will have a significant advantage.
I want to help you to become one of the elite group of visual thinkers who can quickly get clarity on key business issues, see opportunities and trends that others can’t and solve problems creatively and flexibly. And you can do so for the price of one nice dinner at a restaurant per month.
The bottom line
That’s the real value of the Mind Mapping Insider membership program. It’s a lever to help you to generate new value in your work and life. There is no obligation for signing up as a member.
I urge you to try it out for a month or two to see what it’s all about. There are no commitments or restrictions; you can cancel your membership at any time. If it’s valuable to you, continue to be a member. If you’re not, then cancel your recurring monthly PayPal payment. It’s that simple.
Why not sign up today to improve your visual thinking and mapping skills?
I look forward to seeing you as part of this valuable membership program!