Recently, I asked you, the readers of this blog, to share your thoughts on the value proposition of mind mapping software. In other words, what is the key value that it offers you? Your answers were very insightful, and I thank those of you who contributed to this excellent discussion.
Michael Deutsch of Mindjet loved reading your responses, too, but he pointed out to me that most of your answers were focused on individual uses of mind mapping software. He would like to know:
- What the essential value of mind mapping software – in a team setting?
- How does the ability to collaborate with mind mapping software add value to your business?
Please share your thoughts in the comments area below. I look forward once again to your insightful commentary!
Will · 836 weeks ago
- Enables the team to see all of the important issues in the same way.
- Encourages the team to discuss all of the parts of the mind map.
- Clears up misconceptions that would delay or cripple the team's abilities to meet its goals.
- Serves as a common reference for the team.
- Can be easily updated or modified as conditions change.
- Can include due dates and assign tasks to team members for better project management.
- By having all of the team members look at the big picture, there is a better chance that new connections/ideas/solutions can occur.
- Easy to organize information for the team, including importing or attaching documents.
- Helps the team make quick and informed decisions.
- Of course, it is also useful for simple things like brainstorming, keeping meeting notes/agendas, and to do lists.
That is off the top of my head, I am sure others will add much more to this list.
And a big thanks to Chuck and Michael for keeping these questions coming!
I always learn a thing or two from everyone's answers. » The Value of Mind Mapping Software to Teams
mark merritt · 836 weeks ago
Easy to operate (intuitive even!)
Brilliant for rapid reviews so that they can track Project updates. to look at the 'issue of the moment' they were trying to fix and to identify solutions, then to get consensus and know (quantify) their next Milestone. Full steam ahead! Minimum delay. Fast and Effective.
World Class top performing teams (what Ashridge call Super Teams) work better with mind maps for lots of their work.
I have facilitated many groups over 20 years and recent software improvements have been a fantastic help. My thanks to everyone who has helped make it possible.
Paul T. Jackson · 836 weeks ago
When we were done, our ideas/items were transferred to the black board as a mind map.
The thing exploded from just the few each of us had to over one hundred connections of thought.
As a team, each bring experience to any such endeavor, like brainstorming.
From our exercise, we brought together an outline for a book. Don't know if anyone used it for a book or not, but I was blown away by the experience.
I've used this technique for futuring/visioning workshops.
Mitch Anthony · 836 weeks ago
Andrew Wilcox · 835 weeks ago
- Asynchronous working with Mindjet connect and web based map sharing applications. Allows the project to progress 24/7 around the world.
- A good overview map will give a picture of who 's over/under loaded in the team. It will also show where knowledge is lacking.
- I regularly use MindManager to republish all the knowledge in a website for both team members and others associated with the project.
Alessio Sperlinga · 834 weeks ago
They don't know there is a mind map :-)
Have you try mind mapping with livescribe pens ?