Several weeks ago, I asked you to share your thoughts on the value proposition of mind mapping. In other words: What is the essential value, the key benefit it provides to you, and how would you describe that to someone else in just a few sentences? Here’s a distillation of what you had to say:
Comprehensive idea management: Mind mapping software enables you to not only generate and organize ideas, thoughts and actions, but also implement them. Many tools excel at one part of a business process, but few have excellent utility from the birth to the of a project like mind mapping software does.
Managing information and knowledge from multiple sources: Several of you talked about how your job requires you to capture, process and track requests and activities from multiple sources, making decisions on what bits of information are important and which ones are not. Mind mapping software excels at this!
Clarity out of confusion: When you’re dealing with a complex challenge, mind mapping software can help you to see connections between bits and pieces of it, and ultimately help you to simplify your understanding of it. In this day and age, that’s powerful!
Distribution of information: Mind mapping software not only allows you to collect, distill and make decisions on information for a wide variety of sources, it also helps you to redistribute tasks and other information to your team members and promote a shared understanding of the overall project as well as the details for which they are responsible.
More effective problem solving: Mind mapping software, because of its visual nature, enables you to build a more accurate of the underlying structure of a complex problem. This, in turn, enables you to respond to the actual problem, not just the symptoms. As the old saying goes, “a problem well-defined is half solved.”
An iterative approach: One reader talked about how mind mapping software allows him to develop an accurate “picture” of a complex situation or problem in an iterative process. That is, rather than build an entire map in one sitting, you can partially complete it one day, then return to it the following day with additional information and insights. At this point, you may be able to see gaps in your information, which you must request from others. That information, in turn, can be added to the map in successive days. Thus, a complex problem or challenge can be broken down, analyzed and understood over a period of time.
The forest and the trees: Several people commented on how mind mapping software enables them to get a high-level overview of all of their projects and tasks, yet in a few mouse clicks they can dive down into very specific detail. That’s hard to do with most other types of business tools!
Thanks to everyone who contributed. Even though I have immersed myself in the tools and best practices of visual mapping, your comments illuminated several areas that I haven’t really given much thought to lately – but will definitely do so in the days and weeks ahead!
Aaron Stannard · 837 weeks ago
I thought this was a very helpful post - it's tough explaining the value proposition of any form of visual thinking / communication to people who've never tried it before, and I think this eloquently outlines the benefits of mind mapping specifically. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Paul Jackson · 837 weeks ago
a. For researching issues related to a topic, for writing about it, and then publishing.
b. Building a taxonomy for tags or databases.
b.1. building search terms and definitions.
b.2. having built the taxonomy or tags, I use them for organizing my files; digital as well as manual
c. Helping others to build their criteria for a given project...which may or may not be sent out for bid.
d. I often use mind mapping search software like Visuwords, which gives me a head start.
Jason Koulouras · 837 weeks ago
Good list above
Michael Gerochi · 837 weeks ago
"In the 80's we started using MS Excel and MS Word to organize our information and represent thought. In the 90's we evolved and started using MS Powerpoint. Almost 3 decades later we are still using the same desktop applications to manage our ideas and our work. Now is the time to evolve yet again and integrate the power of mind mapping software with our current productivity tools. Don't get left behind. Don't wait for Microsoft to spoon feed you with yet another addition to MS Office. Look at all of the existing 200+ Mind Mapping products and choose the best one for you. Don't have time to evaluate only 200 products? Then save time and choose the most popular one with the most licenses sold. Hopefully you will discover what 85% of the Fortune 100 companies have discovered, that MindJet Mind Manager is the best choice for mind mapping software for your large enterprise."
Based on this sales pitch I have managed to get Mind Manager certified as an official distributed application for Canada's federal level government, and the provincial government in Ontario. I am now working on local municipalities so that I can continue to be their single value added reseller in this local market.
Andrew Wilcox · 837 weeks ago
And some great additional thoughts in the comments.
Here is mine (a bit late) : Rapid transformation from a single idea to publication of complex information in a structured, understandable and appropriate format which enables the idea to happen.
Publication can mean anything from a Tweet, to a conversation, to a slide, to a project plan, to a web site, to a book, to etc.
Tom Evans · 837 weeks ago
I find the biggest value is in the process of mind mapping keeping the logical & 'thinking' left hemisphere busy with the structure of a map so the creative right can sneak in under its usual analytical and sometimes critical radar and unleash its full potential ...
... the resulting new connections via the corpus callosum bring new enlightenment and understanding
What is the value of mind mapping software for teams? - Mind Mapping Software Blog
What is the value of mind mapping software to teams? - Mind Mapping Software Blog