Visual Mind 9, the latest version of Mind Technologies’ mind mapping software program, has been available as a trial download for the last month or so, but was officially launched yesterday. Here is the news release. New in this version:
- Visual Mind 9 Server, which allows several users to work together on the same Visual Mind maps in real time.
- View Excel spreadsheet data inside of a Visual Mind map
- Hyperlinks can be viewed as "snapshots" – in other words, Visual Mind displays a thumbnail image of the web page along with the hyperlink
- Improved linking with Microsoft Outlook
- Map content filtering
What excites me the most about this new product introduction is the Visual Mind 9 Server. Considering that many users of visual mapping need to invite input from their co-workers and colleagues on their maps, this is a significant leap forward. This is the first time that a vendor of desktop mind mapping software has introduced a client-server environment for real-time collaboration. There are several web-based mind mapping tools that are starting to offer this capability, but this is the first time I’ve seen it offered by a developer of desktop visual mapping tools.