What visual thinking topics should this blog focus upon?
In the past few years, I have tried to give you a sense of the other “flavors” of visual thinking that are available to you – the “larger frame” that mind mapping and other visual thinking techniques are a part of. But to make sure that I’m meeting your needs in these areas, I need your feedback.
What visual thinking techniques would you like to learn more about?
- Charts and diagrams
- Sketchnoting (a form of note-taking that combines simple drawings with stylized, hand-drawn text)
- Infographics
- Concept mapping
- Visually-oriented approaches to presentations
What other areas do you need help? Please add your comments to this post.
I look forward to your feedback!
Rick Gill · 667 weeks ago
I would like to see what others have done and are doing with Concept Mapping. The tool of choice for this is IHMC CMap Tools, http://cmap.ihmc.us
I know of no other available tool for this particular kind of mapping; do you?
Best Regards,
Rick Gill
nmarcel 0p · 666 weeks ago
See ThinkComposer.
Joss · 667 weeks ago
wonho · 654 weeks ago
Do you know Prezi? You can implement that kind of brilliant web-based presentation using OKMindmap. In additon to that, it supports 5 magnificient presentation type directly from mindmap format...
Buy Steroids 61p · 650 weeks ago