Wouldn’t you like to cultivate the same type of thinking, insight and advantages that Steve Jobs and Wayne Gretzky were able to create? You can’t duplicate these giants, obviously, but you can emulate the way they think.
The late Steve Jobs was enormously successful because he was able to take a bigger picture view of different technologies and markets and see unmet needs. He was a systems thinker, and a relentless tweaker. He was able to look at the same things as everyone else, but see opportunities that eluded the eyes of mere mortals.
For example, there were MP3 players prior to the advent of the iPod. What Jobs did was simplify the experience of buying, organizing and listening to music in digital form. With the iPhone, he had a vision that your personal communication device could be much more than a simple cell phone. He looked beyond the surface of “what is” and envisioned “what can be.”
In short, Jobs epitomized Apple’s famous ad slogan, “Think Different.”
Wayne Gretzky was an extraordinary hockey player – many would say the best to ever play the game. He said of his enormous success, “I always skate to where the puck is going to be.” Not where it is now. But where it’s going to be.
Could Gretzky see the future? Not really. What he had was a keen ability to discern subtle patterns. The move of an arm, a slight change in the way a player was starting to move his stick. The pattern of movement of the opposing players near him. All those things meant something to him. He was able to recognize patterns very quickly, which enabled him to anticipate what other players were going to do and to perform at an amazing level.
Can you think like Jobs or Gretzky? Definitely!
Wouldn’t you like to cultivate the same type of thinking, insight and advantages that Jobs and Gretzky were able to create? You can, via the skills you’ll gain from participating in the Mind Mapping Insider membership program. You see, mind mapping software is an extraordinary tool that enables you to think laterally and envision new possibilities that weren’t otherwise visible. It makes your thinking visible, which is very powerful – much more so than most people realize! If you know how to get the most out of it, your mind mapping software can help you to think much like a Jobs or a Gretzky, envisioning the future with great accuracy, always a few steps ahead of everyone else.
What’s possible for you?
Imagine for a moment the kind of advantage that capability would give you in your work. Your ability to cut through the clutter and see the essence of a challenge or opportunity can put you in the top echelon of performers in your company, and can help you to advance your career – or, if you’re an entrepreneur, your business.
The first step is to step up your visual thinking skills to the next level – beyond creating simple mind maps. The reports, videos and resources in the Mind Mapping Insider program are designed to do just that.
Why not see what’s possible for you and your marvelous brain? It’s time to step up your game. While your peers and competitors are still hunkered down in survival mode, you can make enormous headway, moving quickly to where business is going to be!
It’s time to improve your thinking
The bottom line is that the quality of your current thinking precedes future success – or failure.
In other words, improve your thinking now, improve your success in the near future. Why not invest in your future today? For a modest monthly fee (about the cost of a Starbucks coffee per week), you can access all of the resources contained in this membership program. If you don’t see enough value in it, you can cancel your membership at any time. I’m confident you’ll find resources here that will help you to become a Jobs- or Gretzky-level performer in your industry or profession. That’s why there are no strings attached to membership.
Andrew Norris · 695 weeks ago
I don't he thought ahead quite as well as some think. He never wanted the iphone to have an app store for example. He thought it would spoil the quality of the experience, having apps made by others. It took his colleages some time to eventually bring him around. And then he only accepted because Apple could have a strict approval service. Once that idea was put to him, he finally accepted it.
And there were many failures along the way. He introduced a mouse computer way too early, it flopped. That was technology ahead of its time. I think that taught him a lesson, the product must come at the right time, if the user cannot use it properly, it will not sell. But also that a product's time will come - as he saw the mouse / windows computers go on to do ver well. Even then he copied the mouse from Xerox, ironic given the suing of Samsung happing now. He pioneered the use of nice fonts on computers, again pointing him more as the user experience focused guy.
His first phone, which most people don't know about was done with Motorola and called the Rokr. It failed badly. Motorola CEO said Ed Zander got angry at him and, said in a letter to MacWorld "Screw the Nano. What the Hell does the Nano do? Who listens to 1000s songs? People are going to want deviced that do more than just play music, something that can be seen in many other countries with more advanced mobile phone networks and savvy users".
The funny thing was ,he was right. And this fired up Jobs to create a phone on his own to Zander's vision. He immediately went to his senior engineers and started working through ideas.
The iphone was developed entirely in secret as he did not want Motorola to know what he was up to. He only intended to capture 1% of world wide mobile sales. He was surprised it did so well.
P. Mike Taylor · 695 weeks ago