There’s a lot of cool stuff in the works here at the Mind Mapping Software Blog, and I just wanted to give you a taste of what I’ve been working on lately:
Survey results: I’m now analyzing the data from the recent mind mapping software user survey. It’s taking me a bit longer than expected, because I’m benchmarking the results from this year’s survey against a similar one I conducted in 2006. It’s an opportunity to see where visual mapping has evolved in the last half-decade. I want to do a thorough analysis of this data and the trends and insights it contains, so it will be another week or two until I release the survey results. Watch this blog and my Twitter stream for more details.
Power Tips & Strategies for Mind Mapping Software 3rd Edition: This updated and expanded third edition of my popular e-book is nearing completion. I’m estimating that it will take me about a month to finish updating the resources that will make this the most comprehensive collecti0n of best practices and productivity tips for mind mapping software available anywhere.
Basics of Mind Mapping Software report: As mind mapping continues to steadily grow in popularity, there is always a steady stream of people who are trying mind mapping software for the first time. It has its own set of terminology and practices that may be confusing at first. So I’m in the process of assembling an e-book that will be focused on arming first-time users with the knowledge they need to get up to speed faster with mind mapping software.
Focusing on your needs: Several of the questions in the recent survey focused on you and your needs: What do you need to know to be more productive with your software? What application of mind mapping software do you want to know more about? I’m now in the process of translating your feedback into a map of future content and resources for this blog – to ensure that it does the best possible job of delivering everything you need to be a master visual mapper.
I’m also in the early planning stages of several other initiatives that are aimed at building community and knowledge sharing among visual mappers. It’s too early to tell you about those right now. But when the time is right, I’ll spill all the details here on this blog. So watch for more details in the weeks and months ahead.
If you want to be informed when any of these resources become available, I urge you to sign up for my weekly e-newsletter, if you haven’t already done so. My Twitter feed is also an excellent source of updates.
Thanks for being a loyal reader of this blog!