Some days, you probably feel like you need to leap tall buildings at a single bound in order to keep up at work. Mind mapping software can help you to generate “super” results and save your world from impending disaster.
While this superhero image may be a bit tongue-in-cheek, the data behind it is not. My last survey of user of mind mapping software showed conclusively that it gives its users a significant edge. It helps them to be more productive and creative at a time when managers and leaders need more of both to help drive innovation and growth.
(Click on the image to view a larger version)
As my survey results show, mind mapping software helps its users to handle complex projects effectively, reach clarity faster on key decisions and envision new ideas and opportunities. In an environment where work is getting faster and more complex, and in which greater creativity is required of us, mind mapping software makes a difference. That’s what my readers say. It’s not me getting on my soap box and evangelizing again. Really!
Still not convinced this type of productivity tool can help you? Read the survey results yourself. Further interpretation of the survey data can be found here.
You may not be able to stop an asteroid from hitting the Earth or vanquish the powers of evildoers with it, but mind mapping software CAN help you get “super” results that can increase your impact at work and help you win the admiration of the people who matter in your corner of the world.
pgrout1973 0p · 622 weeks ago
I totally agree with this. To unleash my creative ideas I find mind-mapping by far the best tool for increasing productivity. Its also a pleasure to see the visual creation of the idea formulating into a bigger picture, which is expansive. Mind-mapping certainly allows my Creative Juices to FLOW. Nice one
Simcha · 622 weeks ago
Wow, you are awesome for creating this incredible mindmap of mindmaps:-) This is the new way for creatives to communicate in our world and it's great to have something like this. My company, FreshBiz, trains creatives and entrepreneurs around the world on entrepreneurial multi-dimensional thinking through game based workshops - your website will definitely be a great resource that we will share! I'm looking forward to potential collaborations as we lead the world forward together in the areas of thinking and communication
Simcha Gluck
Co-Founder of FreshBiz
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