Craig Scott, the developer of iThoughts, has never been one to rest on his laurels. That’s why iThoughts is the most kick-ass mind mapping application for the iPhone and the iPad. He’s always pushing hard to develop innovative new capabilities for his apps. Here are two of his latest innovations:
iThoughts integration with Siri on the iPhone 4S
[youtube B-UXfTRPktc nolink]
Scott has figured out a clever way to use Siri, the personal assistant in the iPhone 4S, to dictate and paste topics into iThoughts. In addition, by simply dictating a comma between topics, you can insert multiple ones at once. Very cool, indeed!
Why do I like this so much? I have tried using Dragon Dictate on my iPhone to enter topics into some of the iPhone mind mapping apps. The result, although usually fairly accurate, is clunky – you always have to copy and paste the text you’ve dictated from Dictate to your app of choice. The iThoughts/Siri application is seamless: As soon as you dictate a topic or two, they immediately appear in your mind map. Very cool!
Integration with mind map galleries
Using the latest iteration of iThoughts for the iPhone, you can now browse to, select a map from the excellent gallery there, and import it into the app as shown in this video:
[youtube w7_ArhJuJCc nolink]
You can also do the same thing with XMind’s mind map gallery.
This opens up a world of possibilities for iThoughts users. You’re no longer limited to creating your own maps from scratch. You can now use any maps on these sites as starting points or templates for creating attractive mind maps in iThoughts.
Keep up the outstanding work, Craig!
Liam Hughes · 690 weeks ago
Issues by ghuba - Pearltrees
iThoughts Integration with iPhone’s Suri | The Mindmap Blog
Scentsy Products · 688 weeks ago
Journeybound · 687 weeks ago