Diagramming software is used to map out processes, relationships and other types of structured information. Here’s what you need to know. including overviews of four popular diagramming tools and resources where you can learn more.
New Diagramming Look Book demystifies 25 types of popular business diagrams
My new Diagramming Software Look Book presents illustrated examples of 25 popular business diagrams, explains how each one is used in business and provides links where you can learn more.
Visual thinking at work: How I used SmartDraw to communicate the essence of a complex product
SmartDraw is a software program that is designed to help the average person to create great-looking diagrams, quickly and easily. But in my last job, I had very few opportunities to use it, so I really didn’t get a chance to use the latest version, SmartDraw 2010, for some real business applications. All that changed in January.
Why communicate visually?
What causes crises in many businesses? Poor communications. How can we improve communications? By sharing information visually.