Accessing your most valuable ideas is much like mining for a priceless mineral. You must first dig through a lot of “mental overburden” before you get to the most valuable ideas.
The brainstorming mode in mind mapping software: What a great idea!
One of the leading applications of mind mapping software, according to my surveys, is utilizing it to generate and capture ideas. So it’s not surprising that many of the leading programs offer a brainstorming mode. What is this mode, what exactly does it do, and what are its benefits?
How to generate breakthrough ideas using a concept tree
A concept tree is a powerful, visual way to leverage current ideas to generate dozens of others, and find a unique solution to your challenge. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to create one, using mind mapping software.
Trends in business problem solving – please share your opinion!
Creative problem solving skills are fast becoming a critical executive skill today. But what I’m having trouble understanding is the underlying needs that are driving this trend. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below this post on these questions: How has the fundamental nature of business problems changed during the last decade? Have […]
Mind mapping software: a prism for problem solving
Mind mapping software acts like a prism, separating a major task or challenge into its component parts and enabling you to see the relationships between them, so you can more effectively develop creative solutions to address it.