As human beings trying to make sense of an increasingly complex world, we often fall into the trap of binary thinking – yes/no, for/against, love/hate. But today’s world requires us to take a full-spectrum approach to thinking. Mind mapping software can help.
Break it down. Get it done. Ship.
One of the primary reasons we aren’t able to turn our best ideas into projects, complete them and push them out into the world is because we tend to get overwhelmed by fear of failure. Here’s what to do about it.
Why mind mapping software is the perfect tool for linchpins
Read through the first several chapters of Seth Godin’s new book and see if you agree: Mind mapping software is the perfect tool for linchpins.
How mind mapping software can help you become a linchpin
Could mind mapping software be the ultimate “way finding” tool for people who are indispensable in their work? My recent analysis of Seth Godin’s new book, Linchpins, says yes.