In a recent e-mail to its affiliate sales team, the developers of iMindMap recently announced that they are working on an iPhone version of the creative mind mapping program, which is expected to be available some time this fall.
Review: iMindMap 4.0 offers well-designed presentation mode, numerous other enhancements
Buzan Online recently announced the availability of iMindMap version 4.0, which will be officially launched in May. This new version offers a number of exciting new features and enhancements, including a full-featured presentation mode.
How mind mapping software helps you to work smarter
Tony Buzan, the inventor of mind mapping, has spent a large part of his life analyzing how the brain works, and how to visually transfer one’s ideas to paper or screen. Most people realize that mind maps are useful for brainstorming – for quickly capturing ideas as they occur. But few people truly understand the immense power of this technique as a creative problem-solving tool.