In only 12 months, Using Mind Maps e-magazine it has evolved into a key medium for learning how to get the most out of mind maps and mind mapping software.
My mind mapping story
As an online publisher, I’m typically the interviewer. But recently, I had the opportunity to be the interviewee – which means you get to hear my mind mapping story.
Mind mapping is the essential tool for succeeding in the “Age of Intelligence,” says Tony Buzan
I recently had an opportunity to have a phone interview with Tony Buzan, widely regarded as the father of mind mapping. He believes we’re now living in the “Age of Intelligence,” in which power comes from being a creative, flexible thinker who can effectively gather, distill and communicate information. Read on to learn why mind mapping is the perfect tool for this new era.
Listen to an audio interview with me on the topic of increasing your productivity with mind mapping software
Mind mapping guru Michael Tipper recently did an audio interview with me on the topic of increasing your productivity in business using mind mapping software. You can listen to it here.
Roger C. Parker to interview me on technology for productivity and creativity
Join marketing guru Roger C. Parker on September 5, 2008 as he interviews me on tools and technologies that can be used to enhance your productivity and creativity.