Sublime is a new visual note-taking tool that enables you to capture a personal library of connected thoughts, view AI-curated thoughts from your collection and others and view them in a visual environment. Sublime first came to my attention when its developer, Sari Azout, published an incredible thesis on that outlined the limitations of […]
Napkin app elevates serendipity by “dreaming” about your ideas
What if your visual note-taking app could “dream” about your ideas, curating and connecting them when you’re away from it? Napkin does it. In this interview, cofounder David Felsman explains how.
The Brave New World of visual thinking tools [WEBINAR]
A recording of my comprehensive overview of 7 types of visual thinking tools is now available – along with a new map of resources I mentioned. It’s available to Mind Mapping Insider members.
7 valuable applications of visual note-taking tools
Here are 7 ways people are using visual note-taking tools to capture, organize and understand their ideas, information and knowledge.
Visual note-taking tools: Get the new ultimate guide
My new report, The Ultimate Guide to Visual Note-Taking Tools, is the first-ever comprehensive guide to this new type of tool. Get it now!
Exploring xTiles: An intriguing visual note-taking app
xTiles is a new visual note-taking tool that provides a flexible workspace for organizing notes, links, images and other content visually. Here is an interview with its founder, who explains the thinking behind it.
The visual note-taking revolution is here
During the last several years, a new genre of visual note-taking tools has emerged. Here’s what makes them unique and valuable – and three applications for your consideration.
The Sketchnote Handbook: A brilliant new guide to visual note taking
The Sketchbook Handbook: The Illustrated Guide to Visual Note Taking by Mike Rohde was launched last week. This terrific new book is an essential guide to this relatively new branch of visual thinking.