During the last year or so, a wealth of new books have been published that aim to help business people solve complex problems using visual thinking. These fascinating books include:
- The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures by Dan Roam
- Unfolding the Napkin: The Hands-On Method for Solving Complex Problems with Simple Pictures by Dan Roam
- Visual Meetings: How Graphics, Sticky Notes and Idea Mapping Can Transform Group Productivity by David Sibbett
- Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers and Changemakers by Dave Gray, Sunni Brown and James Macanuto
- Mind Maps for Business: Revolutionize Your Business Thinking & Practice by Tony Buzan and Chris Griffiths
- resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences by Nancy Duarte (new – I have this book on order from Amazon.com)
What are your favorite books on the topic of visual mapping for business? Why do you like them? Please share your thoughts in the comments area below. Thanks!
(The illustration above right is featured on Sunni Brown’s blog and is representative of visual thinking)
I recently made several big improvements to the Mind Mapping Product Directory which should make it an even more attractive place to promote your products:
Helping potential customers to engage with you
I recently realized that to help you sell more software, I needed to make it easy for potential customers to engage with you – at ALL of your points of presence on the web. Therefore, enhanced listings in the Product Directory now include links to:
– A video of your choice
– Your Facebook page
– Your Twitter feed
– Your blog
– Your map gallery (if you have one)
– Your Squidoo page (easy single-page publishing for niche topics – like mind mapping software!)
If you’re utilizing other social media services to promote your company, please let me know and I’ll be glad to add them to the mix!
These links significantly increase the potential value of this directory page to your company!
At last – link tracking
One of the major shortcomings of the Mind Mapping Product Directory was an inability to track click-throughs. I knew this web page was getting a lot of traffic – almost 1,000 views in the last 30 days and over 7,800 this year – but I couldn’t tell you how many times the links of each developer’s enhanced listing were clicked upon. Now I can.
What does this mean to you? If you invest in an enhanced listing in this directory, I will be able to provide you with measurable results. Not only that, but you can use this data to potentially tweak your listing and improve its performance.
Your potential customers are using this directory as a resource to find mind mapping solutions. Shouldn’t your company be represented here?
Please contact me to discuss sponsorship pricing and to answer any questions you may have. To encourage you to try out this service, I am offering the following special package:
– I have temporarily reduced the price for a 1-year listing by 20%.
– I will give you one complementary single-sponsor e-mail if you sign up for a sponsored listing before October 21, 2010. In other words, your message sent to my readers, any time before the end of the year. That’s an $800 value. It’s a fantastic way to tell my readers about the latest enhancements to your software!
– For the first 2 companies that sign up for a sponsored listing, I’ll extend the time period from 12 to 18 months.
Remember: No one reaches visual mappers like the Mind Mapping Software Blog does. If you’re looking for ways to grow the sales of your mind mapping software, my blog is your number 1 promotion platform!
Chuck Frey
The Mind Mapping Software Blog
Toni Krasnic · 752 weeks ago
Visual Thinking Terms Explored
Jack Hadley · 752 weeks ago
Top Reads | Create Minded
Trade Show Magician · 750 weeks ago
Joss Coverdale · 750 weeks ago
I'm currently reading and finding valuable Robert Horn's book "Visual Language: Global Communication for the 21st Century" and two books by Gwendolyn Galsworth around the Lean concept of creating a visual workplace (I'm a Lean Office specialist). The titles of her books are "Work That Makes Sense: Creating and Sustaining Visuality on the Value-add Level" and "Visual Workplace/Visual Thinking." Also looking forward to diving in to Nancy Duarte's "Resonate" which I have on order!
Visual Notes for Digital Course: Info Management Strategies | Angela Maiers Educational Services, Inc.