When you hit a major life obstacle, you need a new playbook. The new Red Zone Playbook offers creative visual strategies to help.
How to streamline your writing with mind mapping software [EBOOK]
Are you looking for a simple way to streamline and improve the effectiveness of your book planning, writing and promotion processes? Mind mapping software can help. My new ebook explains how, with over 20 mind maps and examples.
Is creating mind maps frustrating? Here’s an easy to use solution
My new book, Think F.A.S.T.: A 4-step Framework to Maximize the Effectiveness of Your Mind Maps, is designed to help you create clear, concise and understandable mind maps.
The Visual Marketing Revolution: A must-read guidebook for visual communication and persuasion
In her new book, The Visual Marketing Revolution: 26 Rules to Help Social Media Marketers Connect the Dots, author Stephanie Diamond provides an essential guidebook to the myriad of ways in which visual thinking can enhance your marketing and social media efforts
The Sketchnote Handbook: A brilliant new guide to visual note taking
The Sketchbook Handbook: The Illustrated Guide to Visual Note Taking by Mike Rohde was launched last week. This terrific new book is an essential guide to this relatively new branch of visual thinking.
New Mind Mapping with FreeMind book is a helpful guide
A new book, Mind Mapping with FreeMind, aims to help people get started managing common visual thinking tasks using the popular shareware mind mapping program.
How to think like Steve Jobs mind map
How can you think like Steve Jobs? Here’s a mind map to inspire your thinking in some “insanely different” directions.
Why mind mapping software is the perfect tool for linchpins
Read through the first several chapters of Seth Godin’s new book and see if you agree: Mind mapping software is the perfect tool for linchpins.
Review: New book helps you get unstuck, focused and better organized with mind maps
A new e-book explains how to use mind maps in some very practical ways to get unstuck, focused and organized so you can accomplish the cool project ideas you have floating around inside your head.
The legend of the Gordian Knot, systems thinking and visual meetings
For people the world over, the Gordian Knot represents the difficult, the intractable and often the insolvable problem. Today’s systemic business problems are the modern-day equivalent of the Gordian Knot, and visual thinking is the powerful sword that we can use to cut through complexity and develop innovative solutions to them.