Being successful today in any organization requires you to differentiate yourself, to separate yourself from the pack of people with similar backgrounds and career experience. Mind mapping software can help you stand out and enjoy greater success in 5 ways.
Mind map analysis: Leadership characteristics map
The subject of my new mind map analysis falls short by trying to cram too much information into too little space. The result is a map that doesn’t communicate its meaning clearly.
The introvert’s guide to leadership with mind mapping software
Here are 9 ways introverts can use mind mapping software to help them manage their thinking and their work more effectively, based upon the principles Lisa Petrilli outlines in her excellent book, The Introvert’s Guide to Success in Business and Leadership.
Mind map of 10 Ways to Make it Great
10 Ways to Make It Great is an inspirational book written by a good friend of mine, Phil Gerbyshak. It offers a set of simple, no-nonsense tips on how to live an exceptional life. That makes it the perfect subject for a mind map.
15 ways to position yourself or your company for pre-eminence
Is your personal brand or company stuck in recession-induced doldrums? Now is the time to kick-start your marketing – for you, your company or its products or services – to dominate your market or industry. Here’s how.
Now is the time to become an “information ninja”
The recent global recession had an interesting side effect, which few people stop to think about: It laid bare the average manager, whose skills were, by and large, commoditized. How to differentiate yourself? Become an “information ninja.”
Why mind mapping software is the perfect tool for linchpins
Read through the first several chapters of Seth Godin’s new book and see if you agree: Mind mapping software is the perfect tool for linchpins.
The forest and the trees – or how the tools we use shape how we think
How do the software programs you use in your job shape how you think? Are you focused on the forest or the trees?
How to rethink your business – visually
I recently came across an article from MIT Sloan Management Review that explains the current and future challenges facing businesses, how they are different from the past, and the kind of thinking that’s necessary to address them. Not surprisingly, mind mapping software is ideally suited to meet these needs.
Executives embrace mind mapping software as recession survival tool
Thanks to everyone who responded to my request for comments on “mind mapping in the recession” contest. The number of stories that you shared (over 60) and the ideas I gleaned from reading them were amazing! Here is a summary of the major themes.