In recent years, Lucidchart has evolved into a flexible data visualization tool. In this review, we’ll take a closer look at its most notable features.
Corel CEO outlines an expanded future for MindManager
Corel CEO Patrick Nichols sees a bright future ahead for MindManager, which it acquired from Spigit/Mindjet on August 8, 2016. Its future may be as a platform for mind maps and other forms of visualizing of structured information.
Diagramming software as a “visual content engine”
Diagramming software has evolved to the point where it serves as a powerful “visual content engine,” enabling its users to express their ideas like never before.
BigPicture: An innovative blend of mind mapping, data mapping and diagramming – within Excel
Data mapping, diagramming and mind mapping, all in a single application – that’s the promise of BigPicture, an innovative new add-in for Microsoft Excel recently introduced by Palisade, a developer of visual decision support software. Its elegant toolset is ideal for any executive who already uses Excel in his or her work, but aren’t sure they can justify the investment in a dedicated diagramming or mind mapping program.
Twheel: A stunning new visual approach to Twitter on the iPhone and iPad
Twheel is a new Twitter app for the iPhone and iPad that helps users manage information overload by arranging tweets in a map-like visual format that is a fascinating study in data visualization.
5 ways studying infographics can make you a better mind mapper
What do infographics have to do with mind mapping? How can viewing some of the best visual representations of data help you to become a better visual mapper? Here are 5 ways.